Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 – Group Therapy

The appalling heat continues. But today is Wednesday, which of course means quilting day, both at home with my guild, Quilters Anonymous, and with my small group, Seattle Quilt Troupe, and also here in San Diego with my friend Laurine’s group, Group Therapy. They have been quilting together for 22 years, a fairly long time, although not as long as the QTs, who have quilted together every Wednesday for 33 years.

I was at Laurine’s by 8:15am, and she drove us to the home of her friend Sharyn who this month is hosting their group’s Wednesday meetings. Sharyn happens to be an internationally known and highly regarded quilting teacher, designer, and author; in 1985 she was named Quilt Teacher of the Year by Professional Quilter magazine. Now she is mostly retired, although like all true teachers she continues to create and to share with all those who want to learn.

Sharyn, our hostess
Sharyn, our hostess
After welcoming us with fresh fruit and a baked treat to her beautifully decorated and comfortable home, Sharyn took us upstairs to her sewing room to show us several designs and techniques that she has been working on.

Learning from Sharyn
Learning from Sharyn
I was especially taken with a flower-appliqué, basket-bordered design she’s come up with. Everything about it is extraordinary, from the background fabric to the appliqué to the flower block sashing intersections to the basket border.

Spectacular basket-bordered applique quilt
Spectacular basket-bordered applique quilt
Her sewing room is likewise fabulous.

Sharyn's sewing room
Sharyn’s sewing room
We sewed the morning away, some on machines, others on handwork. I hand-sewed the binding onto a baby quilt that I made for my nephew Mike’s third baby and will be giving to him this weekend. Sewing in any quilting group is like breathing to me, breathing extra-oxygenated, extra-sweet air. Quilts from the quilt show that I went to last week were being returned, one of them a favorite of mine at the show: a friendship quilt made by Margret with contributions from all the members of the group.

Group Therapy friendship quilt
Group Therapy friendship quilt
Later back at Laurine’s home she showed me several stunning projects she is working on. I took a photo of her in her delightful sewing room:

Laurine in her sewing room
Laurine in her sewing room
See, Patrick? – compared to Sharyn and Laurine, I don’t have nearly enough fabric!